A simple CNN with Pytorch - Tom Roth
https://tomroth.com.au/pytorch-cnnFor example, if x is given by a 16x1 tensor. x.view(4,4) reshapes it to a 4x4 tensor. You can write -1 to infer the dimension on that axis, based on the number of elements in x and the shape of the other axes. For example, x.view(2,-1) returns a Tensor of shape 2x8. Only one axis can be inferred.
pytorch example cnn – cnn using pytorch – Dadane
https://www.dadane220.co/pytorch-example-cnn-cnn-using-pytorchpytorch example cnn · To use an exvaste from our CNN, look at the max-pooling layer, The input dimension is 18, 32, 32––using our formula applied to each of the final two dimensions the first dimension, or number of feature maps, remains unchanged during any pooling operation, we get an output size of 18, 16, 16, Training a Neural Net in PyTorch