How to use `torch.arange` to create a list of tensors ... · As per the pytorch documentation, this is format for torch.arange torch.arange( *start=0* , *end* , *step=1* , *out=None* , *dtype=None* , *layout=torch.strided* , *device=None* , *requires_grad=False* ), where start,end and step are numbers. So you cannot give a tensor as input to arrange. What exactly do you want to do with starts and ends?
pytorch - Creating a torch tensor from a generator - Stack ... you want to directly create your list in PyTorch for your example you can do so using arange and pow: torch.arange (10).pow (2) Output: tensor ( [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]) torch.arange (10) works the same way like range in python, so it's exactly as versatile range. Then pow (2) just takes your tensor to the 2nd power.
torch.Tensor — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation /. 1. Sometimes referred to as binary16: uses 1 sign, 5 exponent, and 10 significand bits. Useful when precision is important at the expense of range. 2. Sometimes referred to as Brain Floating Point: uses 1 sign, 8 exponent, and 7 significand bits. Useful when range is important, since it has the same number of exponent bits ...
torch.Tensor — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation › docs › stableThere are a few main ways to create a tensor, depending on your use case. To create a tensor with pre-existing data, use torch.tensor(). To create a tensor with specific size, use torch.* tensor creation ops (see Creation Ops). To create a tensor with the same size (and similar types) as another tensor, use torch.*_like tensor creation ops (see ...