https://pytorch.orgCUDA 11.3. ROCm 4.2 (beta). CPU. Run this Command: conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch. Previous versions of PyTorch ...
PyTorch CUDA - The Definitive Guide | › pytorch-cudaPyTorch CUDA Support. CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by Nvidia that focuses on general computing on GPUs. CUDA speeds up various computations helping developers unlock the GPUs full potential. CUDA is a really useful tool for data scientists.
CUDA semantics — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation › docs › stablePyTorch exposes graphs via a raw torch.cuda.CUDAGraph class and two convenience wrappers, torch.cuda.graph and torch.cuda.make_graphed_callables. torch.cuda.graph is a simple, versatile context manager that captures CUDA work in its context. Before capture, warm up the workload to be captured by running a few eager iterations.