PyTorch Dataset/DataLoader classes - PyTorch Forums › t › pytorch-dataset-dataloaderNov 14, 2021 · Hi! When training ResNet on ImageNet dataset, I coded some dataloading functionality by hand, which was extremely useful to me. I am currently transitioning from TF2 to PyTorch and I am very new to PyTorch Dataset and Dataloader classes. I am wondering whether PyTorch Dataset/DataLoader classes make the flow I coded by hand available out of the box. I did read PyTorch tutorials and API docs ...
torchvision.datasets — Torchvision 0.8.1 documentation ¶ class torchvision.datasets.HMDB51 (root, annotation_path, frames_per_clip, step_between_clips=1, frame_rate=None, fold=1, train=True, transform=None, _precomputed_metadata=None, num_workers=1, _video_width=0, _video_height=0, _video_min_dimension=0, _audio_samples=0) [source] ¶. HMDB51 dataset.. HMDB51 is an …