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pytorch find index of condition

Find indices with value (zeros) - PyTorch Forums
19.11.2017 · I have a 1D Variable (LongTensor) and i want to find the indices of the elements with a given value (zero). Is there a way to do this efficiently in PyTorch? For instance, in order to get the indices of non-zero elements, i do this: non_zeros = torch.nonzero(lengths_c.view(-1).data).squeeze() I need the opposite of this (indices of zero elements).
[feature request] add `torch.find` to find the indices of values
https://github.com › pytorch › issues
I'm suggesting to add the following operator to pytorch: result = torch.find(tensor, from_) This operator outputs a long tensor of the same ...
5 Powerful PyTorch Functions Every Beginner Should Know
https://towardsdatascience.com › 5-...
For those who don't know, PyTorch is a Python library with a wide variety of ... x: Elements from this tensor are selected for indices where Condition is ...
5 tensor functions using indices in PyTorch | by ...
29.05.2020 · In Py T orch we can access elements in a tensor by it’s index. If we have, for example a tensor with 3 rows and 3 columns, we can access the first element by the index (0, 0), the last element of...
Find indices of a tensor satisfying a condition - PyTorch Forums
discuss.pytorch.org › t › find-indices-of-a-tensor
May 12, 2020 · torch uses same convention as numpy such for finding values or indices of particular tensor regarding specific condition. torch.whereand torch.nonzero What you can do is to apply your condition and get a binary mask of indices that match the condition and find the indices using torch.nonzero(). import torch a = torch.randn(10) b = a <= 0
torch.index_select — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation
pytorch.org › docs › stable
torch.index_select(input, dim, index, *, out=None) → Tensor. Returns a new tensor which indexes the input tensor along dimension dim using the entries in index which is a LongTensor. The returned tensor has the same number of dimensions as the original tensor ( input ). The dim th dimension has the same size as the length of index; other dimensions have the same size as in the original tensor.
torch.where — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation
pytorch.org › docs › stable
torch.where. Return a tensor of elements selected from either x or y, depending on condition. The operation is defined as: The tensors condition, x, y must be broadcastable. Currently valid scalar and tensor combination are 1. Scalar of floating dtype and torch.double 2. Scalar of integral dtype and torch.long 3.
How Pytorch Tensor get the index of specific value - py4u
https://www.py4u.net › discuss
In python list, we can use list.index(somevalue) . How can pytorch do this? For example: a=[1,2,3] print(a.index(2)). Then, 1 will be output.
Every Index based Operation you'll ever need in Pytorch
https://medium.com › every-index-...
Index-Based Operations are very useful while working with Machine Learning frameworks. This blog explains all about Index-Based Operations ...
torch.where — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation
torch.where. Return a tensor of elements selected from either x or y, depending on condition. The operation is defined as: The tensors condition, x, y must be broadcastable. Currently valid scalar and tensor combination are 1. Scalar of floating dtype and torch.double 2. Scalar of integral dtype and torch.long 3.
[feature request] add `torch.find` to find the indices of ...
12.07.2018 · I'm suggesting to add the following operator to pytorch: result = torch.find(tensor, from_) This operator outputs a long tensor of the same shape as the argument tensor, where the result[i,j,..] is the first index at vector from_ whose v...
How Pytorch Tensor get the index of specific value - Pretag
https://pretagteam.com › question
torch uses same convention as numpy such for finding values or indices of particular tensor regarding specific condition. torch.where and ...
Conditional GAN (cGAN) in PyTorch and TensorFlow
12.07.2021 · Conditional GAN (cGAN) in PyTorch and TensorFlow. Our last couple of posts have thrown light on an innovative and powerful generative-modeling technique known as Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Yes, the GAN story started with the vanilla GAN. But no, it did not end with the Deep Convolutional GAN.
[feature request] add `torch.find` to find the indices of ...
github.com › pytorch › pytorch
Jul 12, 2018 · This operator outputs a long tensor of the same shape as the argument tensor, where the result [i,j,..] is the first index at vector from_ whose value is the same as tensor [i,j,..]. For example: a = torch. tensor ( [ 0, 10, 20, 30 ]) b = torch. tensor ( [ [ 0, 30, 5 ], [ 20, 1, 0 ]]) torch. find ( b, a) should give.
How Pytorch Tensor get the index of specific value - Stack ...
https://stackoverflow.com › how-p...
I think there is no direct translation from list.index() to a pytorch function. However, you can achieve similar results using ...
index of max in tensor Code Example
https://www.codegrepper.com › in...
Python queries related to “index of max in tensor” · torch argmax · pytorch argmax · tensor take index with max value · tensor get max value index ...
python - How Pytorch Tensor get the index of specific value ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 47863001
Dec 18, 2017 · def index(tensor: Tensor, value, ith_match:int =0) -> Tensor: """ Returns generalized index (i.e. location/coordinate) of the first occurence of value in Tensor. For flat tensors (i.e. arrays/lists) it returns the indices of the occurrences of the value you are looking for. Otherwise, it returns the "index" as a coordinate.
Find indices of a tensor satisfying a condition - PyTorch Forums
https://discuss.pytorch.org › find-i...
Does torch have a function that helps in finding the indices satisfying a condition? For instance, F = torch.randn(10) b = torch.index(F ...
Find indices of a tensor satisfying a condition - PyTorch ...
12.05.2020 · What you can do is to apply your condition and get a binary mask of indices that match the condition and find the indices using torch.nonzero(). import torch a = torch.randn(10) b = a <= 0 indices = b.nonzero() bests 6 Likes Abueidda(Abu2Pytorch) May 12, 2020, 7:58am #3 Thanks, @Nikronic. This really solves it. Home
python - How Pytorch Tensor get the index of specific ...
17.12.2017 · For floating point tensors, I use this to get the index of the element in the tensor.. print((torch.abs((torch.max(your_tensor).item()-your_tensor))<0.0001).nonzero()) Here I want to get the index of max_value in the float tensor, you can also put your value like this to get the index of any elements in tensor.