Pytorch Geometric Tutorial › Pytorch_geometricMay 07, 2021 · GAE and Node2Vec for edge analysis. Today's tutorial shows how to use previous models for edge analysis. We first use Graph Autoencoder to predict the existence of an edge between nodes, showing how simply changing the loss function of GAE, can be used for link prediction. Later, we propose the use of Node2Vec for edge-label prediction.
Torch_geometric node2vec get vector - PyTorch Forums › t › torch-geometric-node2vecJul 12, 2020 · For example if I have a graph of 3 nodes A, B, and C. What I want to do is to feed this graph into a node2vec model and learn an embedding of each node. Here is the pipe line Construct a graph using nextworkx Convert it to a pytorch graph data using from_networkx Construct a node2vec model and train it. After training I should get a 3XN matrix where N is the embedding dimension I desired. My ...