The codebase is also quite hard to follow with aggressive use of multiple inheritance which can make it difficult to track things down when they aren't clearly documented. 12. level 2. spenceowen. Op · 1y. What a great answer. I wasnt able to formulate my thoughts about pytorch lightning, but you did it pretty well.
Pytorch-lightning will also be an official pytorch project starting next week. btw, I also built it while interning at FAIR. ... help Reddit coins Reddit premium ...
level 1. Single_Blueberry. · 1y. Most of the people say that pytorch lightning is for pytorch what keras is for tensorflow. They mean it in the sense that it makes your code shorter. Keras doesn't take any control away from you either, you can absolutely use everything TF provides in your Keras-centric code. 9.
PyTorch Lightning vs Keras Hello, so I was mainly using Tensorflow/Keras for the past 2 years when I finally decided to learn PyTorch for some extra control, after a couple of months I decided to then learn Lightning to get out of rewriting the same boilerplate code for every project, but isn't it the same as just using tf.Keras ?
I am part of the PyTorch Lightning Team. Lightning takes care of the optimisation automation and standardisation of your research code and make sure this is extremely tested. We currently have 15 people working full time on the project + a community of 560 contributors.
Most of the people say that pytorch lightning is for pytorch what keras is for tensorflow.I disagree with the above mentioned statement, I believe lightning is the same as pytorch, only difference is that it reduces the code for writing your training loops and validation loops.. You write a lightning class similar to how you would write your pytorch Module, only differences being that you will ...
PyTorch Lightning Flash appears to be copying fastai (without any credit) [D] Recently PyTorch Lightning Flash was released as a high-level, flexible library for PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning. However, reading the announcement, looking at the API, etc. it is clear that the Flash API is quite similar to fastai.
I’m leading PyTorch Lightning, happy to answer any questions! Also open to feedback and improvement tips! And if you want to get involved, just ping me on a github issue and I’ll follow up
Hugging Face / Pytorch Lightning Tutorials. I recently graduated top of my class at a great UK university, I also worked for an NLP lab during my studies. I recently switched to a computer vision researcher role and work on ML models for the majority of my time. Anyway, on the side I have started making practical coding / ML tutorials - as this ...
Hugging Face / Pytorch Lightning Tutorials. I recently graduated top of my class at a great UK university, I also worked for an NLP lab during my studies. I recently switched to a computer vision researcher role and work on ML models for the majority of my time. Anyway, on the side I have started making practical coding / ML tutorials - as this ...
PyTorch Lightning vs Keras Hello, so I was mainly using Tensorflow/Keras for the past 2 years when I finally decided to learn PyTorch for some extra control, after a couple of months I decided to then learn Lightning to get out of rewriting the same boilerplate code for every project, but isn't it the same as just using tf.Keras ?
I am part of the PyTorch Lightning Team. Lightning takes care of the optimisation automation and standardisation of your research code and make sure this is extremely tested. We currently have 15 people working full time on the project + a community of 560 contributors.