Join the PyTorch developer community to contribute, learn, and get your questions answered. Developer Resources. Find resources and get questions answered. Forums. A place to discuss PyTorch code, issues, install, research. Models (Beta) ... torch.Tensor.logical_or_ ...
Computes the element-wise logical OR of the given input tensors. Zeros are treated as False and nonzeros are treated as True . ... Built with Sphinx using a theme ...
07.02.2019 · Does Pytorch have an equivalent of Numpy's element-wise logical operators (logical_and, logical_or, logical_not, and logical_xor)?Calling the Numpy functions on Pytorch tensors seems to work well enough when using the CPU, …
since pytorch 1.2, there is a dtype torch.bool and associated BoolTensor. The bitwise operators aka numpy (and &, or |, xor ^ and not ~) all work on these ...
02.01.2019 · Torch.dtype is the data type of torch.tensor, the torch.dtype doesn’t have bool type, similar to bool type is torch.uint8, your can see torch.dtype here.So if do logical_and operation on two tensor, you should expect to get 0/1s numerical values not True/False bool values.
torch.logical_not(input, *, out=None) → Tensor. Computes the element-wise logical NOT of the given input tensor. If not specified, the output tensor will have the bool dtype. If the input tensor is not a bool tensor, zeros are treated as False and non-zeros are treated as True. Parameters.
21.12.2018 · Compute the truth value of x1 OR/AND/NOT x2 element-wise in Numpy is numpy.logical_or , numpy.logica_and , numpy.logical_not The same function of TensorFlow is tf.logical_or , tf.logical_and, tf.logical_not and i do not found in PyTorch docs, Is there some equivalent in PyTorch and if not, would it be possible to add these functions?
torch.logical_xor(input, other, *, out=None) → Tensor. Computes the element-wise logical XOR of the given input tensors. Zeros are treated as False and nonzeros are treated as True. Parameters. input ( Tensor) – the input tensor. other ( Tensor) – the tensor to compute XOR with. Keyword Arguments. out ( Tensor, optional) – the output ...
15.12.2020 · np. logical _ and 用法(有代码). weixin_43834407的博客. 09-24. 236. 刚在网上搜了一下,发现全是co py paste,自己写一个给大家用 代码: i mp ort numpy as np a = np.r and om.r and int (1, 10, (4,3)) b = np.zeros ( (4,3),dtype=int) b [:,0] = 1 np. logical _ and (a,b) 插入表情. 添加代码片. HTML/XML ...
29.09.2020 · I have set of masks corresponding to 10 different objects from an input image (shapes and sizes below) masks.shape: torch.Size([10, 240, 320, 1]) masks[0].shape: torch.Size([240, 320, 1]) masks[0][:,:,0].shape: torch.Size([240, 320]) How do I produce union (logical or) of the these masks using torch tensor operation? Something along the lines of …
torch.logical_or(input, other, *, out=None) → Tensor. Computes the element-wise logical OR of the given input tensors. Zeros are treated as False and nonzeros are treated as True. Parameters. input ( Tensor) – the input tensor. other ( Tensor) – the tensor to compute OR with. Keyword Arguments. out ( Tensor, optional) – the output tensor.
torch.logical_and. torch.logical_and(input, other, *, out=None) → Tensor. Computes the element-wise logical AND of the given input tensors. Zeros are treated as False and nonzeros are treated as True. Parameters. input ( Tensor) – the input tensor. other ( Tensor) – the tensor to compute AND with. Keyword Arguments.