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pytorch loss function float

CrossEntropyLoss — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation
https://pytorch.org › generated › to...
This criterion computes the cross entropy loss between input and target. ... label_smoothing (float, optional) – A float in [0.0, 1.0].
python - PyTorch custom loss function - Stack Overflow
Here are a few examples of custom loss functions that I came across in this Kaggle Notebook. It provides implementations of the following custom loss functions in PyTorch as well as TensorFlow. Loss Function Reference for Keras & PyTorch. I hope this will be helpful for anyone looking to see how to make your own custom loss functions. Dice Loss
Found dtype Double but expected Float - PyTorch Forums
https://discuss.pytorch.org › switch...
However, I decided to further train the produced model using a different loss function (switched from L1 loss to L2 loss) but got the the error below.
Custom loss function even when just handing down MSELoss ...
15.12.2021 · Custom loss function even when just handing down MSELoss: expected float, got double. how is that possible vision Liquidmasl (Liquidmasl) December 15, 2021, 4:34am
Loss.backward() found long, expected float - PyTorch Forums
19.05.2021 · Loss.backward () found long, expected float. I am trying to code a test case for multi task learning, using my own loss function. The idea is that the output layer is 3-dimensional, the first output is used for 1D regression, the last two are used for 2-class classification. So, my combined loss function is a weighted sum of L1 loss and CELoss.
Problem with long float for loss function - PyTorch Forums
https://discuss.pytorch.org › proble...
Pytorch loss functions requires long tensor. Since I am using a RTX card, I am trying to train with float16 precision, furthermore my ...
Custom loss function even when just handing down MSELoss ...
discuss.pytorch.org › t › custom-loss-function-even
Dec 15, 2021 · Custom loss function even when just handing down MSELoss: expected float, got double. how is that possible vision Liquidmasl (Liquidmasl) December 15, 2021, 4:34am
Loss function for Floating targets - vision - PyTorch Forums
https://discuss.pytorch.org › loss-fu...
However neither the size nor the data type ( FloatTensor ) is suitable for cross-entropy loss in the pytorch library .
Loss.backward() found long, expected float - PyTorch Forums
discuss.pytorch.org › t › loss-backward-found-long
May 19, 2021 · loss = self.weights[0]*self.L1(output[:,0],target[:,0].float())+self.weights[1]*self.CE(output[:,1:3],target[:,1]) miturian May 20, 2021, 7:14am #3
CrossEntropyLoss with smooth (float/double) targets - PyTorch ...
https://discuss.pytorch.org › crosse...
This requires the targets to be smooth (float/double). However, PyTorch's nll_loss (used by ... What exactly are you looking for in the loss function?
Problem with long float for loss function - PyTorch Forums
discuss.pytorch.org › t › problem-with-long-float
May 12, 2020 · Pytorch loss functions requires long tensor. Since I am using a RTX card, I am trying to train with float16 precision, furthermore my dataset is natively float16. For training, my network requires a huge loss function, the code I use is the following: loss = self.loss_func(F.log_softmax(y, 1), yb.long()) loss1 = self.loss_func(F.log_softmax(y1, 1), ...
python - PyTorch custom loss function - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 53980031
Here are a few examples of custom loss functions that I came across in this Kaggle Notebook. It provides implementations of the following custom loss functions in PyTorch as well as TensorFlow. Loss Function Reference for Keras & PyTorch. I hope this will be helpful for anyone looking to see how to make your own custom loss functions. Dice Loss
Loss function conditional on two outputs - PyTorch Forums
discuss.pytorch.org › t › loss-function-conditional
Oct 04, 2017 · def species_length_loss(input, target): input_species = input[:,:8] input_length = input[:, 8] target_species = target[:,0].long() target_length = target[:,1] input_length = input_length * (target_species != 7).float() loss = nn.MSELoss()(input_length, target_length) * 1e-4 + F.nll_loss(input_species, target_species) return loss
Why PyTorch is giving me hard time with float, long, double ...
https://discuss.pytorch.org › why-p...
And since the problem is a classification one so I use cross-entropy loss function. But cross-entropy does not take float-tensor so I once ...
6. Loss function — PyTorch, No Tears 0.0.1 documentation
https://learn-pytorch.oneoffcoder.com › ...
L1Loss() outputs = torch.tensor([[0.9, 0.8, 0.7]], requires_grad=True) labels = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.9, 0.8]], dtype=torch.float) loss = criterion(outputs, ...
6. Loss function — PyTorch, No Tears 0.0.1 documentation
23.12.2021 · outputs: tensor([[0.9000, 0.8000, 0.7000]], requires_grad=True) labels: tensor([[1.0000, 0.9000, 0.8000]]) loss: tensor(0.1000, grad_fn=<L1LossBackward>)
Loss function for Floating targets - vision - PyTorch Forums
discuss.pytorch.org › t › loss-function-for-floating
Jul 12, 2020 · So , i have been trying to implement the distilled model concept by Hinton et. al. in the paper Hinton Dark Knowledge. Accordingly i trained a cumbersome model , and depending on the results on the cumbersome model, i have to train the smaller model to fit the data. Now the output from the big cumbersome model is of the shape ( batch_size , outputs ) which is same as the as the output size ...
Appropriate loss function in pytorch when output is an array of ...
https://stackoverflow.com › approp...
If my output array is not an array of integers, but an array of float numbers, what kind of loss function I can use?
Pytorch [Basics] — Intro to Dataloaders and Loss Functions
https://towardsdatascience.com › p...
Binary Cross Entropy Loss — torch.nn.BCELoss(). The input and output have to be the same size and have the dtype float. y_pred = (batch_size, ...
Problem with long float for loss function - PyTorch Forums
12.05.2020 · Pytorch loss functions requires long tensor. Since I am using a RTX card, I am trying to train with float16 precision, furthermore my dataset is natively float16. For training, my network requires a huge loss function, the code I use is the following: loss = self.loss_func(F.log_softmax(y, 1), yb.long()) loss1 = self.loss_func(F.log_softmax(y1, 1), ...
Problems with weight array of FloatTensor type in loss function
https://discuss.pytorch.org › proble...
Just one follow-up question: why does pytorch convert numpy's float64 to Double Tensors? If Float Tensors are the go-to type for the language, I ...
Build your own loss function in PyTorch - PyTorch Forums
discuss.pytorch.org › t › build-your-own-loss
Jan 28, 2017 · Hi all! Started today using PyTorch and it seems to me more natural than Tensorflow. However, I would need to write a customized loss function. While it would be nice to be able to write any loss function, my loss function is a bit specific.So, I am giving it (written on torch)
Loss function for Floating targets - vision - PyTorch Forums
12.07.2020 · Yes, pytorch’s cross_entropy_loss()is a special case of cross-entropy that requires integer categorical labels (“hard targets”) for its targets. (It also takes logits, rather than probabilities, for its predictions.) It does sound like you want a general cross-entropy loss that takes probabilities (“soft tagets”) for its targets.