machine learning - How do you use PyTorch PackedSequence ... · packed_data = pack_padded_sequence(embeded_data, lengths, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False) lstm = nn.LSTM(5, 5, batch_first=True) o, (h, c) = lstm(packed_data) # (h, c) is the needed final hidden and cell state, with index already restored correctly by LSTM. # but o is a PackedSequence object, to restore to the original index:
PackedSequence — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation › docs › stablePackedSequence. Holds the data and list of batch_sizes of a packed sequence. All RNN modules accept packed sequences as inputs. Instances of this class should never be created manually. They are meant to be instantiated by functions like pack_padded_sequence (). Batch sizes represent the number elements at each sequence step in the batch, not ...
Pytorch之PackedSequence - 知乎提供了 pack_padded_sequence () 方法,用于创建PackedSequence。 直接看实例吧: 总结: 如何将一个batch_size的数据封装为RNN可接受的PackedSequence? 将数据按照序列长度由大到小排序 lengths= [每条样本的序列长度],T=最大的序列长度,B=batch_size 将数据转为Tensor类型 调用pack_padded_sequence ()方法,得到PackedSequence实例 编辑于 2020-11-17 05:54 …
PackedSequence with DataLoader - PyTorch Forums › t › packedsequence-with-dataMar 30, 2017 · Hey, I’m trying to reproduce some previous work I did with Theano in PyTorch, with RNNs. I want to be able to mask the sequences I pass as input to an RNN based model. This should be easy enough… However, there’s a couple of annoying issues that are bugging me: PackedSequences inputs are only supported by RNNs, which means that I have to constantly use pack_padded_sequences and pad ...