PyTorch RNN from Scratch - Jake Tae · In this post, we’ll take a look at RNNs, or recurrent neural networks, and attempt to implement parts of it in scratch through PyTorch. Yes, it’s not entirely from scratch in the sense that we’re still relying on PyTorch autograd to compute gradients and implement backprop, but I still think there are valuable insights we can glean from this implementation as well.
PyTorch RNN from Scratch - Jake Tae › study › pytorch-rnnOct 25, 2020 · We will be building two models: a simple RNN, which is going to be built from scratch, and a GRU-based model using PyTorch’s layers. Simple RNN. Now we can build our model. This is a very simple RNN that takes a single character tensor representation as input and produces some prediction and a hidden state, which can be used in the next ...