conv neural network - Pytorch semantic segmentation loss ... › questions › 67451818May 08, 2021 · Binary cross-entropy, as the name suggests is a loss function you use when you have a binary segmentation map. The CrossEntropy function, in PyTorch, expects the output from your model to be of the shape - [batch, num_classes, H, W] (pass this directly to your loss function) and the ground truth to be of shape [batch, H, W] where H, W in your case is 256, 256.
CRF loss for semantic segmentation - PyTorch Forums › t › crf-loss-for-semanticJun 13, 2020 · I am doing semantic segmentation and was wondering if there is a method in PyTorch that will allow me to compute the CRF loss shown below? I am not trying to do inference. I just want to compute the loss based on the unary and pairwise terms. I could do it myself. Replicate the output 8 times, shift the pixels accordingly and compute the difference to determine if the labels are similar but I ...
The cost function for semantic segmentation? - PyTorch Forums › t › the-cost-function-forOct 20, 2018 · Hi, I’m trying to understand the process of semantic segmentation and I’m having trouble at the loss function. For simple classification networks the loss function is usually a 1 dimensional tenor having size equal to the number of classes, but for semantic segmentation the target is also an image. I have an input image of the shape: Inputs: torch.Size([1, 3, 224, 224]) which produces an output of shape: Outout: torch.Size([1, 32, 224, 224]).