— torchtext 0.8.1 documentation ¶ class (examples, fields, filter_pred=None) [source] ¶. Defines a dataset composed of Examples along with its Fields. Variables ~Dataset.sort_key (callable) – A key to use for sorting dataset examples for batching together examples with similar lengths to minimize padding. ~Dataset.examples (list()) – The examples in this dataset.
torchtext - PyPI · torchtext. This repository consists of: torchtext.datasets: The raw text iterators for common NLP datasets; Some basic NLP building blocks (tokenizers, metrics, functionals etc.); torchtext.nn: NLP related modules; torchtext.vocab: Vocab and Vectors related classes and factory functions; examples: Example NLP workflows with PyTorch and torchtext …
torchtext — torchtext 0.11.0 documentation This library is part of the PyTorch project. PyTorch is an open source machine learning framework. Features described in this documentation are classified by release status: Stable: These features will be maintained long-term and there should generally be no major performance limitations or gaps in documentation.
GitHub - pytorch/text: Data loaders and abstractions for ... This repository consists of: torchtext.datasets: The raw text iterators for common NLP datasets; Some basic NLP building blocks (tokenizers, metrics, functionals etc.); torchtext.nn: NLP related modules; torchtext.vocab: Vocab and Vectors related classes and factory functions; examples: Example NLP workflows with PyTorch and torchtext library.