INTERPOLATION - University of Iowa…INTERPOLATION Interpolation is a process of finding a formula (often a polynomial) whose graph will pass through a given set of points (x,y). As an example, consider defining x0 =0,x1 = π 4,x2 = π 2 and yi=cosxi,i=0,1,2 This gives us the three points (0,1), µ π 4, 1 sqrt(2) ¶, ³ π 2,0 ´ Now find a quadratic polynomial p(x)=a0 + a1x ...
INTERPOLATION › ~atkinson › ftpQUADRATIC INTERPOLATION We want to find a polynomial P2(x)=a0 + a1x+ a2x2 which satisfies P2(xi)=yi,i=0,1,2 for given data points (x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2). One formula for such a polynomial follows: P2(x)=y0L0(x)+y1L1(x)+y2L2(x)(∗∗) with L0(x)= (x−x1)(x−x2) (x0−x1)(x0−x2),L1(x)= (x−x0)(x−x2) (x1−x0)(x1−x2) L2(x)= (x−x0)(x−x1)
METHOD OF QUADRATIC INTERPOLATION › Quadratic_InterpolationMETHOD OF QUADRATIC INTERPOLATION 7 (3.1) f0(x k+1) = 1 2 f000(˘)f0 k f 0 k 1 (x k x k 1) 2 (f0 k f0 k 1) 2 We now want to take advantage of the Mean Value Theorem. We have: f0 k 0f k 1 x k x k 1 = f00˘ 0 Where ˘ 0 2(x k;x k 1). Also note that since f0(x) = 0, we have: (3.2) f 0 i = f 0(x i) 00f(x) = (x i x)f (˘ i) For some ˘ i 2(x i;x), i= k 1, k, k+ 1. Using (3.2) and the
Quadratic Spline Example…Quadratic Spline Interpolation (contd) The first derivatives of two quadratic splines are continuous at the interior points. For example, the derivative of the first spline 1. 1 2 a 1 x +b x + c. is 2a 1 x + b. 1. The derivative of the second spline 2. 2 2 a 2 x +b x + c. is 2a 2 x + b. 2. and the two are equal at x = x. 1. giving 2a 1 x 1 +b 1 ...
ME 310 Numerical Methods Interpolation › csert › me310(c) Quadratic interpolation. x 0 = 4.5, x 1 = 5.5 , x 2 = 6 f[x 1, x 0] = 0.0871502 (already calculated) f[x 2, x 1] = [f(6) –f(5.5)] / (6 –5.5) = 0.0755772 f[x 2, x 1 , x 0] = {f[x 2, x 1] - f[x 1, x 0]} / (6 –4.5) = -0.0077153 f(5) 0.696788 + (5 - 4.5)(5 - 5.5) (-0.0077153) = 0.698717 e t = 0.04 % •Note that 0.696788 was calculate in part (b).