Rasayan Journal of Chemistry - Impact Factor, Overall Ranking ...
www.resurchify.com › impact › detailsNov 16, 2021 · The impact score (IS) 2020 of Rasayan Journal of Chemistry is 1.23, which is computed in 2021 as per its definition. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry IS is decreased by a factor of 0.07 and approximate percentage change is -5.38% when compared to preceding year 2019, which shows a falling trend. The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry - SCImago Journal Rank
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchRASĀYAN Journal of Chemistry (RJC) signifies a confluence of diverse streams of Chemistry to stir up the cerebral powers of its contributors and readers. By introducing the journal by this name, we humbly intend to provide an open platform to all researchers, academicians and readers to showcase their ideas and research findings among the people of their fraternity and to share their vast repository of knowledge and information.
Rasayan journal of chemistry
rasayanjournal.co.in/archive-issue.php?issueid=21Rasayan journal of chemistry. Archive Issue. Volume 13, Number 3,1293-2035,, July - September (2020) REMOVAL OF ARSENIC FROM WATER VIA SOLAR ENERGY HARVESTING TECHNIQUE WITH INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF ACTIVATED ALUMINA ABSORBENT BED AND DOUBLE SLOPE SOLAR STILL. Suresh Kumar Patel, Pradeep Kumar, G. Srinivasan and Dhananjay Singh.
RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry Citefactor.org-Journal ...
https://www.citefactor.org/journal/index/14054/rasayan-journal-of-chemistryRASAYAN means Chemical, which is an incredibly reactive and self explanatory term in itself. RASAYAN is an open access as well as print journal and widely covers all branches of Chemistry including : Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical, Biological, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Environmental, Agricultural & Soil, Petroleum, Polymers,Nanotechnology, Green Chemistry, …