24.10.2020 · Here is how you remove Apache2 cleanly on Ubuntu and Debian. The first step is to stop any running instance of Apache2, because Apache2 will not be properly removed while it is running. $ sudo service apache2 stop. Then uninstall Apache2 and its dependent packages. Use purge option instead of remove option with apt-get command.
26.04.2014 · Hallo zusammen...Hab da mal eine allgemeine Frage. Ich nutze jetzt schon länger den Apache Webserver. Da der Apache aber sehr Hardware hungrig ist möchte ich den Lighttpd Webserver installieren. Kann ich jetzt einfach den Apache deinstallieren und…
Nov 03, 2019 · I have a Raspberry pi 3 B. I currently have apache2 installed in /usr/sbin/apache2. I cannot remember if I installed this myself - I don't remember doing so - but perhaps I did, since it is located in /usr/sbin and not /usr/bin. I tried to configure apache2 as part of a project and messed things up and I would now like to uninstall it.
Stoppen Sie apache2. · Deinstallieren Sie Apache2 und seine abhängigen Pakete. · Verwenden Sie die Option zum automatischen Entfernen, um andere Abhängigkeiten zu ...
I installed Apache 2 on my Raspberry Pi but was not able to configure it properly. I then tried to remove it and install again. To remove it I used the command sudo apt-get purge apache2 and then deleted the directory /etc/apache2 with the command rm -r apache2.
Raspberry Pi Webserver Installation Teil 1 – Apache2. Eines der meistgenutzten Gebiete des Pi’s ist wohl die Benutzung als Webserver. In den folgenden Tutorials wird Schritt-für-Schritt ein Webserver inkl. aller Services und was dazu benötigt wird eingerichtet. Den Anfang dazu bildet die Installtion des Apache 2 HTTP Servers.
sudo apt-get autoremove. But the most effective way to free up space, if you do not use these tools is to uninstall wolfram-engine and LibreOffice. This tip will allow you to gain about 1 GB of disk space in 10s. Use these commands: sudo apt-get remove --purge wolfram-engine libreoffice*. sudo apt-get autoremove.
Oct 24, 2020 · Here is how you remove Apache2 cleanly on Ubuntu and Debian. The first step is to stop any running instance of Apache2, because Apache2 will not be properly removed while it is running. $ sudo service apache2 stop. Then uninstall Apache2 and its dependent packages. Use purge option instead of remove option with apt-get command.
02.11.2019 · I have a Raspberry pi 3 B. I currently have apache2 installed in /usr/sbin/apache2. I cannot remember if I installed this myself - I don't remember doing so - but perhaps I did, since it is located in /usr/sbin and not /usr/bin. I tried to configure apache2 as part of a project and messed things up and I would now like to uninstall it.
11.03.2016 · Re: uninstall apache2. Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:31 pm. Code: Select all. sudo apt-get purge <program name>. There are 10 types of people: those …
sudo apt-get autoremove. But the most effective way to free up space, if you do not use these tools is to uninstall wolfram-engine and LibreOffice. This tip will allow you to gain about 1 GB of disk space in 10s. Use these commands: sudo apt-get remove --purge wolfram-engine libreoffice*. sudo apt-get autoremove.
Apache2 deinstallieren. Sofern der von Ubuntu mitinstallierte Apache nicht gebraucht ist, kann er einfach deinstalliert werden. Deinstallation. Den Service stoppen: sudo service apache2 stop. Deinstallation durchführen: sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-utils.
Raspberry Pi Software installieren, deinstallieren und Download. Raspberry Pi Programme deinstallieren, installieren und herunterladen. Neue Software kann auf unterschiedlichen Wegen installiert werden. Da wäre zum einen der Weg über den grafischen Paketmanager, welche für Laien als zunächst die leichteste Möglichkeit erscheinen wird.
Jul 04, 2019 · 2. First, we will need to install the Apache2 package on our Raspberry Pi. For those who don’t know what Apache is, it is a server software that serves the HTML files from a computer to the web browser. To install apache2 on your Raspberry Pi, enter the following command into the terminal. sudo apt install apache2 -y.
09.09.2013 · apache2 is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 18 not upgraded. durch die whereis abfrage werden keine Verzeichnisse angegeben.