Lecture 6 : Derivatives and Rates of Change
www3.nd.edu › ~apilking › Math10550Di erent Notation, Rates of change, x, y If yis a function of x, y= f(x), a change in xfrom x 1 to x 2 is sometimes denoted by x= x 2 x 1 and the corresponding change in yis denoted by y= f(x 2) f(x 1). The di erence quotient y x = f(x 2) f(x 1) x 2 x 1 is called the average rate of change of ywith respect to x. This is the slope of the line segment PQ, where P(x 1;f(x
www.buders.com › Arsiv › applications_of_derivative1. Rate of Change Problems Recall that the derivative of a function f is defined by 0 ()() '( ) lim x f xx fx fx ∆→ x +∆− = ∆ if it exists. If f is a function of time t, we may write the above equation in the form 0 ()() '( ) lim t f tt ft ft ∆→ t +∆− = ∆ and hence we may interpret f '( )t as the (instantaneous) rate of change of the quantity f at time t.
HW - Word problems involving rate of change
jwilson.coe.uga.edu › EMAT6680Fa09 › WallWord problems involving rate of change 1. When the dependent variable increases when the independent variable increases, the rate of change is (Positive, negative, zero, undefined) circle one. 2. When the dependent variable stays the same as the independent variable increases, the rate of change is (Positive, negative, zero, undefined) circle one. 3.