R语言学习笔记之相关性矩阵分析及其可视化 - 知乎
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/33617479包里的rcorr ()函数能够同时给出相关系数以及显著性水平p-value。. rcorr (x, type = c (“pearson”,“spearman”))。. The output of the function rcorr () is a list containing the following elements : - r : the correlation matrix - n : the matrix of the number of observations used in analyzing each pair of variables - P ...
rcorr function - RDocumentation
www.rdocumentation.org › 4 › topicsDescription rcorr Computes a matrix of Pearson's r or Spearman's rho rank correlation coefficients for all possible pairs of columns of a matrix. Missing values are deleted in pairs rather than deleting all rows of x having any missing variables. Ranks are computed using efficient algorithms (see reference 2), using midranks for ties. Usage
rcorr.adjust function - RDocumentation
www.rdocumentation.org › 2 › topicsThis function uses the rcorr function in the Hmisc package to compute matrices of Pearson or Spearman correlations along with the pairwise p-values among the correlations. The p-values are corrected for multiple inference using Holm's method (see p.adjust ). Observations are filtered for missing data, and only complete observations are used. Usage