Dear Paul VanderKlay – | Explore Reality › 2021/12/14 › dear-paul-vanderklayDec 14, 2021 · Dear Paul VanderKlay – You are living up to your reputation as the Francis Schaeffer of the YouTube generation!Schaeffer was often criticized – even openly mocked – for mispronouncing names of prominent figures, specialized terms, and failing to properly ‘show his work’ in the form of citations or even simple nods of acknowledgment to those whose ideas he relied upon so much . . .
ISTDP Academy hösten 2021 – › istdp-academy-hosten-2021Aug 17, 2021 · He is an IEDTA-certified teacher in ISTDP, and presented at the IEDTA international conference in Boston in 2019. In 2021 he co-presented with John Rathauser, PhD, a 2-day seminar on working with syntonic defenses in Davanloo’s ISTDP. He will also be assisting Dr. Rathauser in his next 3-year core training program in New Jersey.
experio – Experio – Smartere informasjonsformdling
https://experio.noFra høsten 2021 kan våre kunder formidle sine historier med AR (augmented reality, ofte kalt utvidet virkelighet på norsk). Lokasjon. Bruk kartet til å navigere deg frem til interressepunktene. Informasjon i form av lyd og bilder spilles av automatisk når du er på riktig sted.