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How to use Jupyter Notebooks in 2020 (Part 1 - Reddit
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I know that Jupyter Notebooks aren't the most ideal tool for every ML / Data Science use-case, but the ecosystem has grown and for some of ...
IPython: A place to ask questions and discuss all ... - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › IPython
r/IPython: If you have a question about IPython, (now Jupyter) the programming language written by scientists for scientists with an eye towards …
Why should or shouldn't I use Jupyter Notebooks ... - reddit
Jupyter isn't technically an IDE, though some people do use them sort of like IDEs. Most importantly though, they don't produce regular python code. Your files aren't saved as .py files, and while you can convert your notebooks to proper python files, it's ugly and not very well formatted. You should absolutely learn to write python code in a ...
You probably should be using JupyterLab instead of Jupyter ...
It's fine, they do exactly the same thing. I've used JupyterLab, but went back to Jupyter Notebooks. The mild discomfort of a slightly different interface wasn't worth the dark mode or tabs for me, I'll probably switch eventually once the extensions catch up.
Do professional Data Analyst use Jupyter or do they ... - Reddit
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146 votes, 57 comments. I've been taking this course online and the course is supposed to be a beginners introduction to Data Science and ...
What is the point of Jupyter? : Python - reddit
For these I use the Jupyter notebook because it is easy to work in an incremental manner. I get one little few-line part working, then move on to the next. I can easily see what the result of each part is, go back and change parts, without changing others, re-run as much or as little as I want, re-arrange things, test performance of different approaches, etc.
What is the point of Jupyter? : r/Python - Reddit
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For this I use the (IPython) console. Data exploration and early versions of code. For these I use the Jupyter notebook because it is easy to ...
What is Jupyter? and what's the difference between ... - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › Python
level 1. tunisia3507. · 4y. Jupyter is an organisation/ project which has some products for Julia, Python, R, possibly others. Jupyter makes iPython, which is a python REPL (i.e. what you can type lines of python into and get immediate results). It has nice usability features but isn't fundamentally different to "normal" python.
Creating Interactive Dashboards from Jupyter Notebooks ...
23.12.2019 · We learned how to analyze reddit data with python and Plotly Express; We learned how to analyze sentiment from sentences with TextBlob; We learned how to transform a jupyter notebook into a dashboard using Voilà. We learned how to deploy those dashboards with Binder.org; We learned how to use tmux to deploy these kinds of tools in a server.
What is the point of Jupyter? : Python - reddit
www.reddit.com › what_is_the_point_of_jupyter
documentation: because Jupyter provides excellent formatting of output (tables and charts) and because the output remains inline as part of the notebook, it serves as reminders later and explanations for people I might want to share the notebook with. Once I'm happy with the result, I save the code out for use in production..
Using Jupyter Notebook vs something else? : r/datascience
https://www.reddit.com › nyizb5
In this book, the author uses Jupyter Notebook. ... Don't ask Reddit if Jupyter notebooks are good (they're fantastic for exploratory work ...
Integrating Jupyter notebooks : Notion - reddit
www.reddit.com › integrating_jupyter_notebooks
The easiest way is to just try it. Copy the url and use the embed function in Notion to paste it. Hope this helps. Thank you very much for your help! Jupyter is run locally in a browser, but everything is normally, as far as I know, hosted on the local machine. You can host notebooks, so maybe that would be a way.
Add a proxy to reddit account using Python and Jupyter ...
https://stackoverflow.com › add-a-...
i want to add different proxies to different reddit accounts, (one proxy per reddit account) using python on jupyter notebooks but could not ...
Using Jupyter Notebooks as an "all in one" deployment testing ...
https://www.reddit.com › jroef0
I see the jupyter notebooks can be exported as HTML or PDF files ... Data Architects of Reddit - how do you keep up with the latest trends?
Use Go with jupyter notebook inside Visual Studio Code ...
TLDR Version. I'm launching my first programming course about learning to program with the Go programming language, which's been in development for nearly a year. What's inside: ~26h of educational videos. 75 non-trivial exercises to apply what you've learnt. 4 game projects to boost your portfolio - Snake, Pong, Hangman, Zombie Attack.
Why should or shouldn't I use Jupyter Notebooks as ... - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › Python
In truth, Jupyter Notebook is just an interface that renders the interactive IPython console. If your job is to develop software, switch to PyCharm or some other IDE's. It integrates tools like code refactoring, git/SVN management, debugging, etc. In general an IDE offers tools that are necessary for programming. 2.
Is Jupyter Notebook used by Data Engineers? - reddit.com
www.reddit.com › r › dataengineering
I use Jupyter in dev and prod. These days there is a decent bit of tooling around using Jupyter for production workflows. So it isn’t infeasible or considered bad practice nowadays. Example — DataBricks environments are pretty much Jupyter all the way down the line (although you can use custom Python libraries as well as notebooks).
Jupyter - reddit.com
www.reddit.com › r › Jupyter
With the widgets for inputs I'm thinking Jupyter notebooks might be the way forward for my lab, to give my colleagues the ability to run some of their own analyses. The big stumbling block is that it seems like the only way to open .ipynb files is by going through the command line.
Notebooks to Spread Knowledge and Discovery - reddit
The Jupyter notebook is a web application that allows users of multiple programming languages to create and share live code and data-driven demonstrations. This subreddit is meant to collect and share links to notebooks that are novel, educational, or even just cool! 3.2k. Members. 2. Online. Created Feb 26, 2016.
Jupyter - reddit.com
With the widgets for inputs I'm thinking Jupyter notebooks might be the way forward for my lab, to give my colleagues the ability to run some of their own analyses. The big stumbling block is that it seems like the only way to open .ipynb files is by going through the command line.
Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab? : learnpython
As a rookie with second hand information, Jupyter Notebook is more for testing code and having a play around with snippets whereas Labs is more for actual dev. Take this with a pinch of salt. -1. level 2. flying-sheep. · 1y flying-sheep. No, notebook is the old browser interface, lab is the new one. Lab is more sophisticated and user friendly ...
Jupyter And R Markdown: Notebooks With R - DataCamp
30.11.2016 · The most notable ones for the data science community are the Beaker (2013), Jupyter (2014) and Apache Zeppelin (2015). Then, there are also the markup languages and text editors that have influenced the creation of RStudio's notebook application, namely, Emacs, Markdown, and Pandoc. Org-mode was released in 2003.
Why should or shouldn't I use Jupyter Notebooks as my main ...
https://www.reddit.com › nfmuzn
12 votes, 19 comments. I started learning python through IBMs data analysis course and the IDE that the course had us use was Jupyter ...
What is Jupyter? and what's the difference ... - reddit
Jupyter as far as I am aware is just the IDE. You are 100% still writing code in 'pure python', but the IDE is geared towards data analysis. I write software code in Jupyter and its just fine. Alternatively 'pure python' would be a way of saying you wrote some code using ONLY the base modules of Python (e.g. no extensions such as Numpy).
Why is everyone using Jupyter Notebooks? - Reddit
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I get that Jupyter Notebooks have the advantage that you can put plain text for others (or yourself later) to read and can have plots right in ...
What is Jupyter Notebook? [ELI5] : learnprogramming - reddit
www.reddit.com › what_is_jupyter_notebook_eli5
You can also write markdown and LaTeX in Jupyter and do things like convert your notebook to html using nbconvert, or make your notebook into a Slideshow (see view Slideshow). Jupyter can also be used for languages (not just Python) like Haskell and Julia. Numerical computation and visualization ftw! Also used for Machine learning and Tensorflow.