Reflexive verb - Wikipedia and Slavic languages make extensive use of reflexive verbs and reflexive forms. In the Romance languages, there are non-emphatic clitic reflexive pronouns and emphatic ones. In Spanish, for example, the particle se encliticizes to the verb's infinitive, gerund, and imperative (lavarse "to wash oneself"), while in Romanian, the particle procliticizes to the verb (a se spăla "to wash oneself"). Full reflexive pronouns or pronominal phrases are added for emphasis or disam…
Reflexive Verbs in German Grammar - Lingolia Verbs and Verbs with an Object. Some verbs are always reflexive which means we can’t use them without a reflexive pronoun. These verbs are written with sich in the infinitive form. Some examples are: sich bedanken, sich beeilen, sich befinden, sich benehmen, sich betrinken, sich eignen, sich erholen, sich erkälten, sich schämen, sich verspäten, sich weigern.
Reflexive Forms - Magma Forms. Let V be a vector space of dimension n over a field K. If σ is an automorphism of K, a σ-sesquilinear form on the vector space V over K is a map β : V x V to K such that eqalignno ( β (u 1 + u 2, v) &= β (u 1, v) + β (u 2, v), β (u, v 1 + v 2) &= β (u, v 1) + β (u, v 2) noalign (rlap (and)) β (au, bv) &= aσ (b)β (u ...