Regions of Sweden - Wikipedia A regional council (Swedish: region) is a self-governing local authority. There are 21 regional councils (one of which is a municipality having the same responsibilities as a county council), each corresponding to a county. Regional councils are governed by a regional assembly (regionfullmäktige) that is elected by the regional electorate every four years in conjunction with the general elect…
Regioner i Sverige – Wikipedia i Sverige Wiktionary har en ordboksartikel om region. Region kan i Sverige syfta på: Region, en administrativ enhet som ansvarar för vissa frågor inom ett län, tidigare benämnt landsting Sjukvårdsregion Regionindelning för Sveriges myndigheter Funktionell analysregion (FA-region) A-region Lokal arbetsmarknadsregion (LA-region)
Provinces of Sweden - Wikipedia provinces of Sweden (Swedish: Sveriges landskap) are historical, geographical and cultural regions. Sweden has 25 provinces; they have no administrative function, but remain historical legacies and a means of cultural identification as pertains, for example, to dialects and folklore. Several of them were subdivisions of Sweden until 1634, when they were repla…
Dior official website | DIOR › en_seDior (Christian Dior Couture and Parfums Christian Dior) is committed to respect the privacy of each and every of our client. Your personal data collected through this page is for the chosen and relevant Dior entity (Christian Dior Couture and/or Parfums Christian Dior) to send communications about Dior offers, news and events for the management of its customer and commercial relationship.
regioner i sverige - SRCH søkemotor (landsting) För historisk utveckling, se Sveriges landsting. För fler betydelser, se Regioner i Sverige. En region i ett svenskt kommunalrättsligt sammanhang är en självstyrande enhet med ett geografiskt ansvarsområde som motsvarar ett län. I ett fall, Region Gotland, utövas regionansvaret av en kommun.