The Relation of Logic to Psychology. II. - JSTOR i.] RELATION OF LOGIC TO PSYCHOLOGY. 5 intension' as a substitute for 'objective intension,' which in most cases cannot be completely known, and of the extension known to the average person who is well informed on the sub-ject for the complete 'objective extension,' is perfectly legiti-mate, and is only one example of that use of convention ...
The relational logic of moral inference › file › 4701The relational logic of moral inference Molly J. Crocketta,*, Jim A.C. Everettb, Maureen Gilla, and Jenifer Z. Siegelc aDepartment of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States bSchool of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom cZuckerman Neuroscience Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Chapter 6 - Relational Logic › intrologic › notesThe Herbrand base for a Relational Logic language is the set of all ground relational sentences in the language. A truth assignment for a Relational Logic language is a mapping that assigns a truth value to each element of it Herbrand base. The truth or falsity of compound sentences is determined from a truth assignment using rules based on the ...