Remez algorithm - Wikipedia Remez algorithm or Remez exchange algorithm, published by Evgeny Yakovlevich Remez in 1934, is an iterative algorithm used to find simple approximations to functions, specifically, approximations by functions in a Chebyshev space that are the best in the uniform norm L∞ sense. A typical
scipy.signal.remez — SciPy v1.7.1 Manual › doc › scipyFor a signal sampled with 22 kHz a bandpass filter with a pass band of 2-5 kHz gets calculated using the Remez algorithm. The transition width is 260 Hz and the filter order 10: >>> fs = 22000.0 # Sample rate, Hz >>> band = [ 2000 , 5000 ] # Desired pass band, Hz >>> trans_width = 260 # Width of transition from pass band to stop band, Hz ...
最佳FIR滤波器设计-使用remezord,remez_makethyme的专栏-CSDN博客_re... › makethyme › articleJul 24, 2007 · numapprox[remez] - Remez algorithm for minimax rational approximation Calling Sequence remez(w, f, a, b, m, n, crit, 'maxerror') Parameters w - procedure representing a weight function w(x) > 0 matlab优化 函数 remez ,基于Matlab的 FIR 滤波器 的优化 设计 方法