How to uninstall PHP in Ubuntu? - Upokary › how-to-uninstall-php-in-ubuntuSep 20, 2021 · Uninstalling PHP in Ubuntu is quite easy and straightforward. Let us consider we have PHP version 7.0 and we want to remove it from Ubuntu. The following command will remove PHP from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get purge php7.0 // php7.* if we want to remove PHP version starts with 7 sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get autoremove. apt/apt-get autoclean → cleans obsolete deb-packages, less than clean.
How to completely remove PHP? - Ask Ubuntu should completely remove any package with a name that starts with php and anything related to it. sudo apt-get purge 'php*' DON'T PRESS y UNTIL YOU ENSURE that in the removing packages list there are no other packages (besides related to php packages), like: php-common* python-openssl* php-curl* ... and tons of packages
How to fully remove MySQL and phpMyAdmin - Ask Ubuntu · If that was a production server, removing everything wouldn't be a solution. Probably your problem is related to the debian-sys-maint MySQL user - its password or its privileges. The correct solution for this issue is provided in this answer on Stack Overflow:. That’s because Debian has a MySQL account debian-sys-maint used for switching on/off and checking status.
Uninstall php 7 in ubuntu 18.04 - Stack Overflow › questions › 58045685Sep 22, 2019 · sudo apt-get remove –purge php* sudo apt-get purge php* sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get remove dbconfig-php sudo apt-get dist-upgrade The output of the below command will provide you with information on the installed package software, version, architecture, and a short description of the package. grep command is used to find the PHP package