Simple Impact Factors (Last 10 Years) for ... - IDEAS/RePEc › top › topThis list provides a simple impact factor, computing a ratio of the number of citations by the number of items in the series. Citation counts are adjusted to exclude citations from the same series. These computations are experimental and based on the citation analysis provided by the CitEc project, which uses data from items listed in RePEc. Only series or journals with 50 or more items are ranked.
Simple Impact Factors (Last 10 Years) for ... - IDEAS/RePEc › top › topOct 15, 2014 · This list provides a simple impact factor, computing a ratio of the number of citations by the number of items in the series. Citation counts are adjusted to exclude citations from the same series. These computations are experimental and based on the citation analysis provided by the CitEc project, which uses data from items listed in RePEc. Only series or journals with 50 or more items are ranked.
IDEAS/RePEc Simple Impact Factors for Journals › uploads › 3/9/3Printed from IDEAS/RePEc Simple Impact Factors for Journals This list provides a simple impact factor, computing a ratio of the number of citations by the number of items in the series. These computations are experimental and based on the citation analysis provided by the CitEc project, which uses data from items listed in RePEc.
RePEc/IDEAS rankings - Research Papers in Economics page provides links to various rankings of research in Economics and related fields. This analysis is based on data gathered with the RePEc project, in which publishers self-index their publications and authors create online profiles from the works indexed in RePEc.Citation analysis is performed by the CitEc project, abstract views and paper downloads are counted by the …
Simple Impact Factors for Economics Series and ... - IDEAS/RePEc › top › topOct 16, 2014 · This list provides a simple impact factor, computing a ratio of the number of citations by the number of items in the series. Citation counts are adjusted to exclude citations from the same series. These computations are experimental and based on the citation analysis provided by the CitEc project, which uses data from items listed in RePEc. Only series or journals with 50 or more items are ranked.
Czech Economic Review
http://cer.cuni.czIDEAS/RePEc Simple Impact Factor. 27/02/2015. Out of the economics journals published in the Czech Republic, the CER has the following position measured by the ...
Simple Impact Factors (Last 10 Years) for ... - IDEAS/RePEc › top › topThis list provides a simple impact factor, computing a ratio of the number of citations by the number of items in the series. Citation counts are adjusted to exclude citations from the same series. These computations are experimental and based on the citation analysis provided by the CitEc project, which uses data from items listed in RePEc. Only series or journals with 50 or more items are ranked.
Simple Impact Factors for Economics Journals | IDEAS/RePEc › top › topThis list provides a simple impact factor, computing a ratio of the number of citations by the number of items in the series. Citation counts are adjusted to exclude citations from the same series. These computations are experimental and based on the citation analysis provided by the CitEc project, which uses data from items listed in RePEc. Only series or journals with 50 or more items are ranked.
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) - RePEc services
repec.orgGeneral principles RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers.
About RePEc impact factors | The RePEc Blog › 2009/07/27 › about-repec-impact-factorsJul 27, 2009 · RePEc also publishes variations on the “simple” impact factor: recursive impact factors, where every citation counts with the impact factor of the citing publication, this favors impact over numbers; discounted impact factors, where the impact of a citation decays with time (regardless of the age of the cited item; and a combination of the two, discounted recursive impact factors.