Riferisce le affermazioni precedentemente menzioniate, usando una proposizione subordinata. Di conseguenza, le frasi sono rielaborare e riportate in maniera ...
2)usare il discorso indiretto ( reported speech ) ... PER IL REPORTED SPEECH POSSIAMO USARE SIA IL VERBO SAY (QUANDO NON ... reported questions spiegazione.
Reported speech: She said (that) the sky is/was blue. Click here for a mixed tense exercise about practise reported statements. Click here for a list of all the reported speech exercises. Reported Questions. So now you have no problem with making reported speech from positive and negative sentences. But how about questions?
Indirect questions = Domande indirette · Why is he so loud? = Perché parla ad alta voce? · Where is the best hairdresser around here? = Dov'è la migliore ...
A week later, Mandy is speaking to a friend on the phone: “I saw James at the café last week. He said that he worked in that café almost every day, but that the day before he had seen a famous TV presenter there for the first time. She had been eating an ice-cream at the table where I was sitting at that moment ”.
QUESTIONS AND REPORTED SPEECH WHAT: We use it to ask for information about something or to ask for repetition or confirmation What is your name? What? I can't hear you. You did what? WHO: It is a Subject Pronoun. We use "who" to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way. Who made the birthday cake?
Si usa il discorso indiretto (reported speech) per riferire le parole dette da un'altra persona. ... parola: Maura says she's sorry and that she was wrong to get ...
Ordine delle parole Per riportare delle domande, la normale disposizione delle parole in una frase non cambia, vale a dire il soggetto si colloca prima del ...
As with reported statements, we may need to change pronouns and tense (backshift) as well as time and place in reported questions. But we also need to change the word order . After we report a question, it is no longer a question (and in writing there is no question mark).
And indirect speech: he asked if I liked working in sales. Rules of Forming Reported Speech Questions . Normal word order is used in reported questions in which subject comes before the verb, and it is not mandatory to use ‘do’ or ‘did’. Whenever we report Wh-questions, we usually use a reporting verb like asked or enquired.
And indirect speech: he asked if I liked working in sales. Rules of Forming Reported Speech Questions . Normal word order is used in reported questions in which subject comes before the verb, and it is not mandatory to use ‘do’ or ‘did’. Whenever we report Wh-questions, we usually use a reporting verb like asked or enquired.
Il reported speech (discorso indiretto inglese) è uno degli argomenti di grammatica inglese più odiati dagli studenti, perché non è affatto semplice ed intuitivo come sembra!. Quando devi riferire a qualcuno quello che ha detto qualcun altro, puoi scegliere di usare il discorso diretto oppure quello indiretto (reported speech).. Riconoscere le due forme è davvero molto semplice, perché ...
As with reported statements, we may need to change pronouns and tense (backshift) as well as time and place in reported questions. But we also need to change the word order . After we report a question, it is no longer a question (and in writing there is no question mark).
Reported Speech (Indirect Speech). Introduzione. Quando riferiamo ciò che ha detto qualcuno, non riportiamo le stesse parole tra virgolette (discorso diretto) ...
A week later, Mandy is speaking to a friend on the phone: “I saw James at the café last week. He said that he worked in that café almost every day, but that the day before he had seen a famous TV presenter there for the first time. She had been eating an ice-cream at the table where I was sitting at that moment ”.