Sometimes, backshifting is optional in reported speech. When the speaker articulating the reported speech uses the past tense in the main verb but the situation ...
Reported speech tenses may differ from the tense of the direct speech. The general rule for tenses in reported speech is that it changes to the past tense.
Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech: She said, "I am tired." = She said that she was tired.
Backshift of tenses in Reported speech – Exercise 1. Task No. 1119. Which is the correct ending of the sentence in Reported speech? Choose from the drop-down menu and mind the tenses of the reporting verbs. Do you need help? Reported Speech. 1 Jake: "I often have a big breakfast."
Benjamin: "I often have a big hamburger." · Hannah: "They live in Boston." · Tyler: "Ian doesn't invite girls to his parties." · Dominic: "She understands Japanese ...
To convert direct speech into indirect speech some changes are made in the sentence. These changes include changes in time (e.g.,yesterday, today, tomorrow) and adverbs (e.g., now, ago, this, here).
16.07.2012 · Reported speech: backshifting. July 16, 2012 -. Present tenses in the direct speech will become past tenses in the indirect speech. This change in tense is often called backshifting. Study the following sentences. Susie said, ‘I am buying a new car.’ (Direct speech)
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Reported speech backshift tenses. The simple past tense usually changes to the past perfect in reported speech. The tenses, word-order, pronouns may be different from those in the direct speech sentence. The Past Perfect Tense does not change in the Reported Speech. " I …
19.02.2013 · Some English tenses do not backshift in reported speech. These depend on the tense of the main verb in the reported speech. When the main verb in the reported speech is in the present tense, the verb in the reported phrase does not change. This is true no matter what tense is used in the quoted speech.
Reported speech tenses will change from that of the direct speech in most cases. This is known as backshifting in reported speech, with the basic rule that a tense is shifted back to its past tense form.
24 rader · Backshift in Reported Speech. He said: "I feel sad." He said that he felt sad. In simple terms, the structure of reported speech is: reporting clause [+ conjunction] + reported clause. he was hungry. John's original words: "I am hungry." We sometimes change the tense of the reported clause by moving it back one tense.
Hello eloee100, Normally we apply the 'backshift' to the reported action, so the past simple 'had to' is normally backshifted to the past perfect 'had had to' (that is, your second sentence).