Ejemplos de reported speech
https://ejemplos.net/ejemplos-de-reported-speechEjemplos de Reported speech Maria asked Juan what he is doing. And she said she had not seen him since the last week. Juan explained that he had just come from the hospital. Maria wondered if he is ok. And asked him what happen. Juan told her that he catches a hard flu, but he added that he is fine now. Maria said him that she is glad to hear that.
Qué es el Reported Speech: Ejemplos y Ejercicios
https://academiadeidiomasvalladolid.com/reported-speech-ejemplos-y-ejercicios1. to, do, her 2. where, I, would 3. was, had, seen 4. her, would, the next/following day 5. had, been, there Si has comprendido el sentido del reported speech verás que se trata de una estructura que empleas habitualmente cuando hablas en español y que tan solo requiere un poco de práctica incorporarlo en tus conversaciones en inglés.