Direct speech writes exactly what a person says, punctuated using inverted commas and other speech punctuation. For example: 'Everyone must follow the rules,' ...
22.02.2018 · Direct and Reported Speech worksheets with optional powerpoint. This set of worksheets introduces the rules for direct and reported speech and gives exercises of converting dialogues each way. They are roughly graded from 1 (suitable for less advanced learners) to 7 (for the more advanced group). In a one-off lesson, you might want each child ...
This is a Powerpoint about Reported Speech. It is part of a set of 3, the other two being "Reported Questions" and "Reported Speech - Spe... 8,752 Downloads. REPORTED SPEECH 1. By jannabanna. This slideshow with sound, will give them …
Step 5: Direct and Indirect Speech Year 5 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning ...
Introduce direct and reported speech to your KS2 class using this excellent PowerPoint. It includes definitions, examples and lots of information that your KS2 class can learn from when using direct and reported speech in their writing. Great …
23.11.2014 · File previews. ppt, 123.5 KB. doc, 27 KB. doc, 25 KB. doc, 27.5 KB. PowerPoint and 3 way differentiation tasks to help teach direct and reported …
A collection of English ESL Reported Speech (Indirect speech) powerpoints for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach ...