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reporting verbs exercises 2 bachillerato

Unit 7 - Exercise 2 - Reporting verbs | Solutions | Oxford ...
to start starting. the fire, but said it was an accident. You always promise. you arrive to arrive. on time, but you never do. I advised Jane. that she should should that she. speak to her parents before making a decision. The other students quickly got tired of Mary boasting.
37 rader · BACHILLERATO 2. Enviado por brecbur o Ven, 17/11/2017 - 12:56. Inglés.
Reported speech - Log'nLearn, a new way to learn English
https://lognlearn.jimdofree.com › r...
Reported speech - Log'nLearn, a new way to learn English. Menú.
Unit 12B Grammar: Reported Speech(2) - Reporting Verbs
b2english.com › Lesson-36-Reporting-Verbs-PDF
2. Reporting verbs with the same structure as tell: rep. verb + direct object + clause *advise warn *tell convince assure persuade notify inform *remind Direct Speech Reported Speech “Don’t pull it again, or you’ll break it,” said the farther to his son. The father warned his son not to pull it again or he would break it.
www.edu.xunta.gal › centros › iesaugadalaxe
BACHILLERATO 2. Enviado por brecbur o Ven, 17/11/2017 - 12:56. Inglés.
Unit 12B Grammar: Reported Speech(2) - Reporting Verbs
Reporting Verbs Direct Speech Reported Speech “If you are too busy, I can pick Sally up from school,” said Dave. Dave offered to pick Sally up from school if I was too busy. Dave said (that) he could pick Sally up from school if I was too busy. Dave is making an OFFER Now, as you can see, the above reporting verb offer has a different ...
Ejercicio online de Reported speech para BACHILLERATO / B2
Actividad interactiva de Reported speech para BACHILLERATO / B2. Puedes hacer los ejercicios online o descargar la ficha como pdf.
Reported speech - Log’nLearn, a new way to learn English
lognlearn.jimdofree.com › 2º-bachillerato › grammar
ACTIVITIES: http://www.tinyteflteacher.co.uk/learning-english/grammar/exercises/reporting-verbs.html. https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/reporting-verbs-exercise ...
Reporting verbs – admit doing, refuse to do, etc. - Test English
https://test-english.com › reporting...
Reporting verbs are used to report what somebody said, like 'promise', 'say', 'ask', 'admit', etc. Learn which are the most common reporting verbs and how ...
Morning Monroy: 2º bachillerato. Reporting verbs
02.11.2013 · We use reporting verbs to report what someone said more accurately than using say and tell. Verb + infinitive agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten (acceder (acordar), decidir, ofrecer, prometer, rechazar (negarse), amenazar) They agreed to meet on Friday. (Accedió a quedar el viernes) He refused to take his coat off.
Unit 7 - Exercise 2 - Reporting verbs | Solutions - Oxford ...
https://elt.oup.com › grammar
Unit 7 - Exercise 2 - Reporting verbs. Choose the correct answer. They were surprised when we. announced, told. that we'd quit our jobs to start our own ...
Unit 7 - Exercise 2 - Reporting verbs | Solutions | Oxford ...
elt.oup.com › student › solutions
to start starting. the fire, but said it was an accident. You always promise. you arrive to arrive. on time, but you never do. I advised Jane. that she should should that she. speak to her parents before making a decision. The other students quickly got tired of Mary boasting.
INGLÉS REPHRASING 2 BACHILLERATO | EJERCICIOS CON SOLUCIONES Solucionario y ejercicios de Ingles rephrasing 2 Bachillerato She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. (Verbal Tenses) _____ I don’t have a computer so I can’t type the essay on English grammar. (onditional
Reporting verbs practice - Tiny TEFL Teacher
https://www.tinyteflteacher.co.uk › ...
Practise using different verbs for reported speech in English. ... Practice 2: more verb patterns with reporting verbs. Here is some more practice - again, ...
http://www.edu.xunta.gal › centros › system › files
(Reporting verbs - past simple). 1. “I know you can do it . Take the exam again”. He / encourage. 2. “The accident was all my fault”. He / admit.
Reporting Verbs Exercise - Advanced Grammar - ESL Lounge
https://www.esl-lounge.com › 4g1...
Reported Speech Worksheet. · 1. "I'd go and see a doctor if I were you," Julie said to me. · 2. "Can you come and help me with this box?" · 3. "This is an exam Mr.
Ejercicios de Reporting verbs online o para imprimir.
https://es.liveworksheets.com › Rep...
Live worksheets > inglés > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Reporting verbs. Ejercicios de Reporting verbs online o para imprimir.
s91c6bc97e0311bd3.jimcontent.com › download › version
MODAL VERBS.- EXERCISES FOR BACHILLERATO 2. 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. It was snowing so we can / had to / must wear our coats. 2. When I saw him, I might not / can’t / couldn’t remember his name. 3. We might / should / must have an exam tomorrow, but I’m not certain. 4. Hurry up! We could / need to / may leave now. 5.
Reporting Verbs Exercise 1 - Perfect English Grammar
Reporting Verbs Exercise 1 Review how to use reporting verbs here. Download this exercise in PDF here. See all reported speech exercises here. Need more practice? Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! Welcome! I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website.
Reported speech - Log’nLearn, a new way to learn English
ACTIVITIES: http://www.tinyteflteacher.co.uk/learning-english/grammar/exercises/reporting-verbs.html. https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/reporting-verbs-exercise ...
Morning Monroy: 2º bachillerato. Reporting verbs
morningmonroy.blogspot.com › 2013/11/2
Nov 02, 2013 · 2º bachillerato. Reporting verbs REPORTING VERBS: Form and meaning We use reporting verbs to report what someone said more accurately than using say and tell. Verb + infinitive agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse, threaten (acceder (acordar), decidir, ofrecer, prometer, rechazar (negarse), amenazar) They agreed to meet on Friday.
2.- ESTILO INDIRECTO: En cada oración de estilo indirecto encontraremos un verbo introductorio (reporting verb). Hay numerosos ejemplos: “say” – decir- (Si concretamos a quién se lo dijo, entonces say debe ir seguido de la preposición –to) (She said to me).
Reporting Verbs Exercise 1 - Perfect English Grammar
https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com › ...
Download this exercise in PDF here. Reporting Verbs 1. Make a new sentence with the same meaning using the reporting verb in brackets.
2 Bachillerato Rewriting Exercises
ths.edu.tt › 2_bachillerato_rewriting_exercises
Reported speech (multiple choice) Reporting verbs 1 Reporting verbs 2 Reporting verbs 3 2 bachillerato: Rewriting exercises - Blogger Read the five sentences below. b1 b2 grammar exercise rewriting bachillerato pre. Just click on a link to open a printable PDF version of the desired worksheet. Put the writer’s ideas into your own words.
24.04.2020 · Students in 2ºBach. from morning and evening shift ,will find here reinforcement exercises.These exercises will help you practice with the content on the 2º Bach academic programme (2019-2020). TENSES REVIEW. TENSES REVIEW EXERCISES. ANSWER KEY TO TENSES REVIEW. REPORTED SPEECH. REPORTED SPEECH THEORY. REPORTED …
Lesson 36 - Reporting Verbs (PDF) - B2English
https://b2english.com › uploads › 2018/05 › Less...
Unit 12B. Grammar: Reported Speech(2) - Reporting Verbs ... Now, as you can see, the above reporting verb offer has a different structure to the.