Reporting verbs - EAP Foundation › r...Examples of reporting verbs ; state · add, declare, inform, mention, point out, remind, report, state, that ; state · assert, that ; suggest, put ...
Favorite Words and Phrases for Report-Card Writers ... are some favorite words and phrases that are used by some of the top report-card writers around: experienced teachers. Stressing the Positive Words: thorough, caring, cooperative, growth, superior, quality, striving, seeking, attempting, admirable, consistent, persevering
Reporting Phrases - Thompson Rivers University › __shared › assetsReporting Words/Phrases Reporting verbs are an essential part of academic writing. These verbs are used to introduce a quote or a paraphrase. Avoid using the same reporting verb or phrase. Also, make sure you understand what the word means as they can indicate your thoughts about the claim being made. Here is a list of some reporting words and phrases:
Reporting Verbs › grammardescribe, show, reveal, study, demonstate, note, point out, indicate, report, observe, assume, take into consideration, examine, go on to say ...
Reporting Verbs: Important List of 85 Reporting Verbs for ESL ... › reporting-verbsMar 18, 2019 · In English grammar, a reporting verb is a verb used to indicate that discourse is being quoted or paraphrased. Useful List of Reporting Verbs. Below is a useful reporting verbs list in English. Said; Blessed; Told; Thanked; Asked; Apologized; Requested; Advised; Informed; Exclaimed; Commented; Proposed; Suggested; Replied; Added; Wished; Opposed; Greeted; Explained; Prayed; Praised; Persuaded
Verbs for Reporting › writingcentre › sitesCommon reporting verbs for academic writing It is important you understand and know how to use the verb correctly before placing it in a sentence, and that you use past or present tense as appropriate. weaker position neutral position stronger position addition adds advice advises agreement admits, concedes accepts, acknowledges, agrees,