REVERSE MARKOV INEQUALITY. Norman Levenberg and Evgeny A. Poletsky. University of Auckland, Department of Mathematics. Private Bag 92019, Auckland, ...
Reverse Markov Inequality for non-negative unbounded random variables. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 1 month ago. Active 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 7k times 6 5 $\begingroup$ I need to lower bound the tail probability of a non-negative random variable. I have a lower bound on ...
Request PDF | Reverse Markov inequality | Let K be a compact convex set in C. For each point zO ε ∂K and each holomorphic polynomial p = p(z) having all of its zeros in K, we prove that ...
For example, Markov's inequality tells us that as long as X doesn't take negative values, the probability that X is twice as large as its expected value is ...
Title: reverse Markov inequality: Canonical name: ReverseMarkovInequality: Date of creation: 2013-03-22 17:48:08: Last modified on: 2013-03-22 17:48:08: Owner
16.12.2019 · Reverse Markov Inequality on the Unit Interval for Polynomials Whose Zeros Lie in the Upper Unit Half-Disk M. A. Komarov 1 Analysis Mathematica volume 45 , pages 817–821 ( 2019 ) Cite this article
Dec 16, 2019 · Reverse Markov Inequality on the Unit Interval for Polynomials Whose Zeros Lie in the Upper Unit Half-Disk M. A. Komarov Analysis Mathematica 45 , 817–821 ( 2019) Cite this article 50 Accesses 4 Citations Metrics Abstract We prove that there is an absolute constant A > 0 such that
Request PDF | Reverse Markov inequality | Let K be a compact convex set in C. For each point zO ε ∂K and each holomorphic polynomial p = p(z) having all of ...
Full-text available Dec 2015 MATH INEQUAL APPL Polina Yu. Glazyrina Szilárd Révész ... In this estimate, which is reverse to the classical Markov inequality [8], the order √ n is sharp because of...
Reverse Markov inequality 175 In this note, we are interested in a general form of the reverse Markov in-equality for a polynomial phaving all of its zeros in K: (6) kp0k K‚C(K)(degp)bkpkK: Note that any polynomial p(z) = czn+1, where jcjis su–ciently small, provides a counterexample to any form of the reverse Markov inequality for polynomials
Title: reverse Markov inequality: Canonical name: ReverseMarkovInequality: Date of creation: 2013-03-22 17:48:08: Last modified on: 2013-03-22 17:48:08: Owner
In probability theory, Markov's inequality gives an upper bound for the probability that a ... taking expectation of both sides of an inequality cannot reverse it.
07.03.2016 · The usual trick for this type of question is to use indicator function. Given the assumptions, We claim that the following inequality is true. a I ( Z > 1 − a) ≥ Z − ( 1 − a). Then we discuss in case that (i) Z > 1 − a and (ii) Z ≤ 1 − a. For (i) since Z > 1 − a, we have a > Z − 1 + a which is true; For (ii), the conclusion is ...
Let K be a compact convex set in C. For each point z O ε ∂K and each holomorphic polynomial p = p(z) having all of its zeros in K, we prove that there exists a point z ε K with |z -z O | ≤ 20 diam K/ √deg p such that |p′(z)| ≥ (deg p) 1/2 /20(diam K) |p(z O)| i.e., we have a pointwise reverse Markov inequality.
as reverse (or inverse) Markov- and Bernstein-type inequalities for incomplete polynomials on the interval [0,1], but I have not been aware of any such inequalities in the literature. This short paper is a result of an effort to answer the questions raised by A. Eskenazis and
Reverse Markov inequality 175 In this note, we are interested in a general form of the reverse Markov in-equality for a polynomial phaving all of its zeros in K: (6) kp0k K‚C(K)(degp)bkpkK: Note that any polynomial p(z) = czn+1, where jcjis su–ciently small, provides a counterexample to any form of the reverse Markov inequality for polynomials