Synonyms and analogies in English | Reverso Dictionary
synonyms.reverso.netDiscover interesting words and their synonyms extreme, recall, nations, spin, purport, practical, fee, carrier, covenant, bundle, speech, using, wage, first, blame, union, pertaining, hard, tackle, destruction.
emotions synonym | English synonyms dictionary | Reverso › english-synonyms › emotionsagitation, ardour, excitement, feeling, fervour, passion, perturbation, sensation, sentiment, vehemence, warmth. English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. See also: emotionless, emotional, emotive, emptiness. Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. !
propotion synonym | English synonyms dictionary | Reverso › english-synonyms › propotion1 distribution, ratio, relationship, relative amount 2 agreement, balance, congruity, correspondence, harmony, symmetry 3 amount, cut (informal) division, fraction, measure, part, percentage, quota, segment, share 4 (plural) amplitude, breadth, bulk, capacity, dimensions, expanse, extent, magnitude, measurements, range, scope, size, volume