Rib Tur - Visit Tromso
https://www.visittromso.no/no/rib-turRib Tur Tromsø Activities . Book her . Høydepunkter: - Hør om økologi og kystens levemåte - Se historiske og geologiske interessepunkter - Se vakker nordnorsk natur fra vannet - Se steder kun tilgjengelige med båt. Kjør gjennom fjordene og se de lokale skattene, fugler, dyr og fjellformasjoner.
RIB boat tour - Visit Tromso
www.visittromso.no › rib-boat-tourA Rib boat adventure is the best way to see the sights. Description and itinerary: Our trip leaves Tromsø island. Every tour visit points of interest along the route. Old fish farms, and glacier arms used to define the landscape. Here the first settlers, arrived by boats. Then came Sami, Russians, Vikings and Finns, and it became crowded.
Fjord Excursion by RIB | Tromsø Safari
www.tromsosafari.no › fjord-excursion-ribFjord Excursion by RIB A fun and adrenaline filled tour with history and sightseeing. Tromsø is famously known for its beautiful nature, thriving marine life and beautiful fjords that are located around the main island. What not everyone knows, however is how much history and points of interest that are in these incredible areas.
Tromsø Safari | Tromsø Safari of Northern Norway
https://www.tromsosafari.noTromsø Safari, for a better experience in Tromsø and Northern Norway Tromsø Safari's focus on building strong local connections in order to sustain the local communities and the environment is your guarantee that we care about you and Tromsø. Remember that your choices matter, also on holiday! Welcome to Tromsø and Tromsø Safari.
Fjord Excursion by RIB - Visit Tromso
www.visittromso.no › fjord-excursion-ribBefore the tour takes off we will meet up at our basecamp in central Tromsø for a briefing and to get dressed in the necessary gear to stay dry and warm. The RIB boat is located about 200 meters from the base camp. You will get your own seat and an assigned small locker where you can keep a small bag or a camera safe.
RIB Båt | Tromsø Friluftsenter
https://www.tromso-friluftsenter.no/event/ribRib båt-en intim og rå natur opplevelse! La oss være din foretrukne samarbeids partner når du skal planlegge neste års utflukt for din bedrift. med våre RIB båter kan vi tilrettelegge og lage en flott opplevelse som vil gi deg de rette rammene for din neste tur. Med vår lokal kunnskap til kystens dyreliv, kultur og beste plasser og oppleve kan vi gi deg den opplevelsen du sent vil glemme.