Rim Trail - USDA
www.fs.usda.gov › Internet › FSE_DOCUMENTSRim Trail United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Lincoln National Forest Sacramento Ranger District April 2015 Attractions Located on the western rim of New Mexico’s beautiful Sacramento Mountains, the Rim Trail winds through pine and fir trees, quaking aspen and green meadows for 30.5 miles.
Lincoln National Forest - Rim Trail (T105)
www.fs.usda.gov › recarea › lincolnTrail #105: The National Recreation Rim Trail is 31.2 miles long. It begins at the southern end of the Village Of Cloudcroft along NM130 and ends 31.2 miles later at the Sacramento River Road south of Sunspot. The first 0.73 miles (to Slide Campground) is non-motorized with the rest of the trail south of Slide being motorized for motorcycles.