Lecture 10 Recurrent neural networks
www.cs.toronto.edu › ~hinton › csc2535this hidden state its own internal dynamics, we get a much more interesting kind of model. – It can store information in its hidden state for a long time. – If the dynamics is noisy and the way it generates outputs from its hidden state is noisy, we can never know its exact hidden state. – The best we can do is to infer a probability ...
RNN — PyTorch 1.10.1 documentation
pytorch.org › docs › stablehidden_size – The number of features in the hidden state h. num_layers – Number of recurrent layers. E.g., setting num_layers=2 would mean stacking two RNNs together to form a stacked RNN, with the second RNN taking in outputs of the first RNN and computing the final results. Default: 1
Recurrent Neural Network
www.cs.toronto.edu › ~tingwuwang › rnn_tutorial1. A new type of RNN cell (Gated Feedback Recurrent Neural Networks) 1. Very similar to LSTM 2. It merges the cell state and hidden state. 3. It combines the forget and input gates into a single "update gate". 4. Computationally more efficient. 1. less parameters, less complex structure. 2. Gaining popularity nowadays [15,16]
What happens to the initial hidden state in an RNN layer?
stats.stackexchange.com › questions › 395382Mar 03, 2019 · There are two common RNN strategies. You have a long sequence that's always contiguous (for example, a language model that's trained on the text of War and Peace); because the novel's words all have a very specific order, you have to train it on consecutive sequences, so the hidden state at the last hidden state of the previous sequence is used as the initial hidden state of the next sequence.