Create - Roblox - Roblox Studio Make Anything You Can Imagine With our FREE and immersive creation engine Start Creating Manage my experiences Make Anything Roblox Studio lets you create anything and release with one click to smartphones, tablets, desktops, consoles, and virtual reality devices Reach Millions of Players
Creating a Building - Roblox › en-us › resourcesSet up the Project Create a new Project In Roblox Studio, click the New button in the upper-left. Select the Flat Terrain template. Adding a Character Model for Scale Adding a character will help you see the size of your building compared to a player so you don’t make a structure too large or too little. Download the Scale Character
Create - Roblox › createCreate - Roblox Studio Make Anything You Can Imagine With our FREE and immersive creation engine Start Creating Manage my experiences Make Anything Roblox Studio lets you create anything and release with one click to smartphones, tablets, desktops, consoles, and virtual reality devices Reach Millions of Players
Team Create - Roblox Create is a Roblox Studio tool that allows for simultaneous place and script editing among groups of creators and coders. Once enabled, the owner of a place can invite others into their projects. All individuals in a Team Create space are able to see in real time as changes are made by individuals online. Setup Enabling Team Create