bodyrok.comBODYROK is Pilates RE-DESIGNED. Pilates inspired, 40-min, full body, strength training group classes on the custom BODYROK reformer. Our hybrid pilates sequences will have you plank, lunge, squeeze, pike, jump, and push your body – the BODYROK experience is designed to create more energy and increase your metabolism, working for you even after you leave.
ROKMAPS™ - ROK Technologies: GIS Cloud Managed Services › ROKMAPS_swainThis web site displays GIS data that is subject to continual updating, change and the data accuracy representations adjustments over time. The information contained within this document is not intended to be used for the preparation of construction documents and under no circumstance shall this product or representations from this product be used for final design purposes.
ROK (Russens organisasjonskomité) – Wikipediaé)ROK AS (tidligere Russens organisasjonskomité) er et eventselskap som spesialiserer seg på større arrangementer for russen og omsatte for 29 millioner NOK i 2014. Russens organisasjonskomité ble startet opp i 2004 av Else-Marie Mie Koren Wisniewska Skard som i dag eier av ROK AS gjennom morselskapet Lana AS. ROK er arrangør av russetreffet på Tryvann, og har utvidet porteføljen gjennom årene med blant annet landstreffet på Lillehammer og dekknavn…
Home - Sake Rok Las Vegas
www.sakeroklv.comBy night, Sake Rok transforms into a high-profile social dining extravaganza, immersing guests in an experience part culinary, part performance and completely unexpected. Inspired by Japan’s vibrant pop culture, servers doubling as entertainers invite guests to partake in restaurant-wide camaraderie.
Rise of Kingdoms - Rok.Guide
https://www.rok.guideFrom March 5th 2019, the name of the game Rise of Civilizations is official changed to Rise of Kingdoms! RoK is the next-level RTS game for smartphones and tablets. This stunning strategy video game features an endlessly open world, where you can build your own city, start conquering the world and writing your own history for the kingdom!