The Romance Languages - Pyrenean Experience › the-romance-languagesMay 28, 2010 · Similarities between the Romance Languages The similarities between all Romance languages are striking, even to the novice. The Spanish and the Italians, and the Spanish and the Portuguese do not have great problems understanding each other. Having learned one Romance language you have an excellent basis for learning the next, not only as far as vocabulary is concerned, but also as far as structure and thinking processes.
Lexical similarity - Wikipedia table below shows some lexical similarity values for pairs of selected Romance, Germanic, and Slavic languages, as collected and published by Ethnologue. Notes: • Language codes are from standard ISO 639-3.• Roberto Bolognesi and Wilbert Heeringa found the average divergence between Sardinian and Italian to be around 48.7%, ranging from a mini…
Romance languages - Wikipedia and grammatical similarities among the Romance languages, and between Latin and each of them, are apparent from the following examples having the same meaning in various Romance lects: English She always closes the window before she dines/before dining. Latin (Ea) semper antequam cenat fenestram claudit. Vulgar Latin Illa/ipsa claudit semper illa fenestra antequa (lat…