15.02.2021 · This error message means that your machine was unable to receive all of the data from the remote side. It could be that the other side hung up or the connection was interrupted; it's really not possible to say without more information. If you're using a proxy, then yes, that's likely the problem.
I'm having this strange error, CURL ERROR: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer This is how it happens, if I did not connect to the server and all of a sudden trying to connect to the server via...
24.02.2020 · The repository cloning itself stop in the middle of the process. So, there is no clone repository exist after the above command execution. It is because the result from executing the above command ends in failure. The reason behind the failure is actually the size of the repository for cloning process.
19.07.2021 · On the outside network, cURL works fine but if we cURL Internally, like curl whatever.com:443 or curl https://whatever.com, Its connection is reset.(Whatever.com is hosted on the same server) The Server currently runs on Litespeed.