Arch's packages are supposed to be as close to "vanilla" as possible. Now, while you could use rpmextract or alien , there isn't really a good reason to do so. What you should do is create a PKGBUILD that uses the RPM as the source file and then installs everything that's needed where it should be in the package() function.
28.10.2020 · I need to mention you SHOULD NOT install .deb packages as per this highly answer. look in the AUR first; If the Arch package isn’t there, try building from source. I have only used debtap once when I couldn’t build from source code for …
Arch's packages are supposed to be as close to "vanilla" as possible. Now, while you could use rpmextract or alien , there isn't really a good reason to do so. What you should do is create a PKGBUILD that uses the RPM as the source file and then installs everything that's needed where it should be in the package() function.
Dec 07, 2005 · I can't use ABS since I am away from my arch machine. I am trying to do some work offsite. Thanks Rob. Offline ... pkgname=rpmextract pkgver=0 pkgrel=1
I am not interested in using arch repositories to install sqldeveloper. ... Download the RPM for your architecture (64- or 32-bit) Install rpmextract for ...
Arch's packages are supposed to be as close to "vanilla" as possible. Now, while you could use rpmextract or alien , there isn't really a good reason to do so. What you should do is create a PKGBUILD that uses the RPM as the source file and then installs everything that's needed where it should be in the package() function.
Arch emballasje standarder; 1 Det ser ut som det siste rpmextract på Arch Linux er bare en innpakning bsdtar. 19 Spørsmålstittelen sier: installer RPM-fil på Arch linux, og alt jeg har funnet var bare de vanlige erkeelitist svarene "sjekk manualen" / "sjekk disse ressursene".