pytorch 代码笔记 - 代码天地 › article › () input param: [ tuple, dim=] return : tensor. problem describe: 本来正常使用应该不会有什么问题,但是我在阅读源码的时候,遇到了一题提示错误:. RuntimeError: zero-dimensional tensor (at position 0) cannot be concatenated. 导致这个问题的code部分如下:. x = torch.tensor (0.5) y = torch ...
pytorch 代码笔记 - 代码天地 () input param: [ tuple, dim=] return : tensor. problem describe: 本来正常使用应该不会有什么问题,但是我在阅读源码的时候,遇到了一题提示错误:. RuntimeError: zero-dimensional tensor (at position 0) cannot be concatenated. 导致这个问题的code部分如下:. x = torch.tensor (0.5) y = torch ...
ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated · concatenate turns each of the items in the list into an array (if it isn't already), and tries to join them:. In [129]: np.concatenate([1,2,3,4]) ... ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated hstack takes the added step of: arrs = [atleast_1d(_m) for _m in tup], making sure they are at least 1d:. In [130]: np.hstack([1,2,3,4]) Out[130]: array([1, 2, 3, 4])
pytorch错误及解决方案 - 知乎 zero-dimensional tensor (at position 0) cannot be concatenated 简单就是转位int,再使用torch.tensor([x]]) 函数传入的tuple里面的tensor维度不可以为0,而我们直接创建一个非list的tensor的时候,就有了zero-dimensional tensor, 这在pytorch0.3 版本没有什么问题,但pytorch0.4版本中,加入了zero-dimensional tensor 的 ...