Vova, Vladimir, Vladimir Vladimirovich: What do Russian names ...
thegoneapp.com › russian-diminutive-namesMost Russian names (with a rare exception, like Maxim, Nikita, Vera, or Nina) have a diminutive. It is formed by adding a -sha ending to the first syllable in a name. Mikhail is Misha, Pavel is Pasha, Maria-Mashha, Darya-Dasha, and Pavel – Pasha are all examples. There are also other methods for producing diminutives. For example, Pyotr is Petya.
Vova, Vladimir, Vladimir Vladimirovich: What do Russian ...
https://thegoneapp.com/russian-diminutive-names26.09.2021 · Most Russian names (with a rare exception, like Maxim, Nikita, Vera, or Nina) have a diminutive. It is formed by adding a -sha ending to the first syllable in a name. Mikhail is Misha, Pavel is Pasha, Maria-Mashha, Darya-Dasha, and Pavel – Pasha are all examples. There are also other methods for producing diminutives. For example, Pyotr is Petya.
Russian Names
https://www.russianlessons.net/vocabulary/russian_names.phpThe stylistically lowered diminutive is formed with the suffix – “k” (Сашка – Sashka, Машка – Mashka) . The are usually reserved for very close friends and couples. 50 Most Common Russian Men's Names 50 Most Common Russian Women's Names Patronymic Names All Russians also have a patronymic name. A patronymic name is formed from your father's name.