Russian keyboard and Type Russian: download Phonetic ... · How to install phonetic (transliterated, homophonic) Russian keyboard layout for 32/64 bit Windows 7,8,10/Vista/XP/2003. Offered phonetic Russian keyboard layouts are free of charge. Note. I personally don't have Windows 10 yet, but several people already wrote to me that this instruction works just fine under Windows 10. Here is what such user wrote:
Russian Keyboard Layout under Windows 7,8,10, Vista, XP to use Keyboard Layout section of Control Panel to activate Russian keyboard for Windows 7,8,10/Vista and XP/2003. This page is a part of my site's Chapter "Russian keyboard: standard and phonetic". Keyboard layout specifies how letters and symbols are located on the keyboard buttons for a given Input Language. For example, when Input Language is English (shows as …