Translit RU/EN: Russian Translit, Transliteration and ...
https://translit.ccThe translit converter can help you to emulate Russian keyboard, thus produce correct Russian Cyrillic letters when you type corresponding Latin (e.g. using English, German, French keyboards) keys. This feature of the transliterator serves as Russian phonetic keyboard and can help you then, when you have no access to the conventional Russian keyboard or Russian keyboard layout.
Russian keyboard and Type Russian: download Phonetic ... · How to install phonetic (transliterated, homophonic) Russian keyboard layout for 32/64 bit Windows 7,8,10/Vista/XP/2003. Offered phonetic Russian keyboard layouts are free of charge. Note. I personally don't have Windows 10 yet, but several people already wrote to me that this instruction works just fine under Windows 10. Here is what such user wrote: