Транслит по-русски
https://translit.netБесплатный русский транслит translit.net - конвертер и переводчик текста из латиницы в кириллицу и наоборот. Идеальное решение для транслитерации. Выручает при отсутствии русской раскладки клавиатуры.
Romanization of Russian - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_RussianUnicode recommends encoding the primes used for the soft and hard signs as modifier prime and double prime, ʹ and ʺ, which may be entered with {{softsign}} and {{hardsign}}, and the apostrophes for the same as the modifier letter apostrophes, ʼ and ˮ. Scholarly Some archaic letters are transcribed in different ways. GOST 16876-71 and GOST 7.79-2000 It is recommended to use c before i, e, y, j, but cz in all other cases. In GOST 7.79-2000 Cyrillic і in Ukr…
Rusklaviatura Translit Russian
rusklaviatura.comRusklaviatura is a Russian translit that allows you to type in Russian using a standard keyboard. Just type the equivalent English key and Rusklaviatura will transform it into the Russian counterpart.
Rusklaviatura Translit Russian
https://rusklaviatura.comWhat is Russian Transliteration Transliteration means writing a language in an alphabet different from its original one. In the case of the Russian language, sometimes you may need to write in Russian without having a Russian Keyboard at hand. Just type in latin and see your text convert automatically into cyrillic.