Russian Level Test. This test is based on the 100 Lessons of LearnRussian and can be used as a Russian Level Test or as a Final Test. It has three parts designed for Elementary, Beginner, and Pre-Intermediate levels accordingly. After you click the “Start” button, you will have 60 minutes to pass all three parts.
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Russian letters test. On this page you can test your knowledge of Russian alphabet. You will be offered a Russian letter and English interpretations. You must choose the right English answer. М. How would you pronounce this letter?
In the quiz below, there are 33 questions (same as letters in the Russian alphabet). Click on the player button to hear the sound and choose the letter you ...
Check yourself: Russian alphabet quiz. +3. Now, after you have learned all the Russian letters, it is time to check yourself. In the quiz below, there are 33 questions (same as letters in the Russian alphabet ). Click on the player button to hear the sound and choose the letter you hear among offered options. To move to the next question, click ...
Schritt 9: Übungen zum russischen Alphabet und der kyrillischen Schrift. ... с –> c –> s: стон (ston; Stöhnen), тест (test; Test), тост (tost; Toastbrot)
Russisches Alphabet. Lernen Sie hier das Alphabet der russische Sprache langsam kennen. Die vollständige Übersicht, in der das ganze russische Alphabet ...
Select Russian and start the quiz. No need to create an account or provide credit card details – it’s free! After taking the quiz, you will receive your results by email. And for a small fee, get your own personal certificate! Let your boss know, invite your friends, post on social media….
22.01.2018 · Test your knowledge on this language quiz and compare your score to others. Quiz by darkgreen_orange Russian Alphabet (Picture Click) Quiz - By darkgreen_orange
Russisches Alphabet. Die russische Sprache verwendet das russische Alphabet, welches sich aus dem kyrillischen Alphabet ableitet. · Ist es schwer russisch zu ...