RYR1 gene: MedlinePlus Genetics
medlineplus.gov › genetics › geneThe RYR1 gene provides instructions for making a protein called ryanodine receptor 1 (also called the RYR1 channel). This protein is part of a group of related proteins called ryanodine receptors, which form channels that, when turned on (activated), release positively charged calcium atoms (ions) from storage within cells.
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Ryanodine receptor - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryanodine_receptorRyanodine receptors (RyR for short) form a class of intracellular calcium channels in various forms of excitable animal tissue like muscles and neurons. There are three major isoforms of the ryanodine receptor, which are found in different tissues and participate in different signaling pathways involving calcium release from intracellular organelles. The RYR2 ryanodine receptor isoform is the major cellular mediator of calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in animal cells.
Ryr – Wikipedia
https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/RyrRyr kan syfta på: . Ryrs naturreservat – i Melleruds kommun.; Valbo Ryr – i Munkedals kommun.; Lane-Ryrs socken – i Uddevalla kommun, innan 1885 Ryrs socken; Lane-Ryrs landskommun – en tidigare kommun i dåvarande Göteborgs och Bohus län 1863–1971, innan 1885 Ryrs landskommun; Lane-Ryrs församling – en församling i Uddevalla kontrakt i Göteborgs stift, …