Sørenga Sjøbad - Architizer
architizer.com › projects › sorenga-sjobad2015. SIZE. 25,000 sqft - 100,000 sqft. BUDGET. Unknown. The idea of a public, floating park was a key part of the masterplan and the design competition for Sørenga pier, won in 2005 by LPO architects (Oslo) and Architect Kristine Jensens Tegnestue (Aarhus). New housing on the pier required protection from impacts by an unlikely, but possible ...
Sørenga sjøbad – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sørenga_sjøbadSe også Sørenga (strøk) og Sørenga (historisk område)Sørenga sjøbad er et kommunalt badeanlegg som ligger helt ytterst på Sørenga i Oslo. Det åpnet 25. juni 2015. Sjøbadeter en 190 meter lang og 28 meter bred flytende park på 5 000 kvadratmeter. Det inkluderer et 200 kvadratmeter stort lukket basseng med sjøvann, et 50 meter langt åpent basseng med 8 baner, st…
Sørenga Sjøbad • Beach » outdooractive.com
www.outdooractive.com › en › poiSørenga Sjøbad. Sørenga Sjøbad is a 200 square meter seawater pool located at the tip of the trendy new neighborhood Sørenga, in Fjord City. It’s surrounded by restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores. And has incredible views of the Opera House, Barcode, and Hovedøya Island. Sørenga Sjøbad is Oslo’s largest seawater pool and was ...